The Task: Identify your 2 Core Values
Steps to Identifying Your Core Values
1) Think about a meaningful experience in your life. What was happening? How did you feel? What values were guiding you at this time?
2) Think about an experience in your life where you thought, spoke or behaved in a way that you regretted or didn't feel proud of. What was happening? How did you feel? What values were you neglecting at this time?
3) Combine the list from Steps 1&2 and add any other values that you feel guide you in your words, thoughts, actions and intentions. Choose a Maximum of 10 Values. If you need inspiration for Values, Check out Brené Brown's List of Values:

3) Take all the time you need to narrow your list of 10 Values down to 2 Core Values. Brené Brown suggests asking these questions to find your two Core values:
Does this value define me?
Is this value who I am?
Is this value a filter that I use to make hard decisions?
Things to consider when finding your Core Values:
You only have one set of Core Values that guide you through both professional and personal life. You do not have a set of values for work and another for home life.
Your Core Values will support other values that resonate with you
Your Core Values are the light that leads your way. Whenever you come up against a difficult moment you reflect on these values to ask yourself: "Am I thinking, speaking, and behaving according to my core values?"
Once you have settled on the two values that are at the heart of your thoughts and behaviors journal daily about how your values showed up in your daily thoughts, words and actions.
Why Is Identifying Core Values Helpful?
Throughout your life your priorities change as you grow and evolve, but your Core Values remain constant. Some parents feel that once they have children "Family" should clearly be their Core Value. This is not always the case. For example, when managing your family, what Core Value guides you on how you make decisions for your family? Are your decisions based on faith, honesty, or maybe kindness? Just because Family is a top priority for you, it doesn't always mean that it is your Core Value.
Another example is someone who is dedicated to their career. While their desire to succeed in their career may be driven by financial stability, if they sit and ask themselves what motivates their thoughts, actions and words when it comes to their career choices, they may find that a Core Value such as self-discipline, integrity, or creativity is the value behind their career choices.
So you see, just because something is very important to you and you cherish it, doesn't necessarily mean that it is one of your Core Values. Take your time to physically write out the 10 values that not only mean the most to you but make sure that they are the ones that you practice in your thoughts, words, and behaviors. It may be tempting to choose a value because it sounds like something that should be meaningful to you. Try to avoid this temptation and stick to values that you have exemplified at some point in your own life. It's especially helpful to think about a time in your life where things seemed to flow easily and you were happy with yourself and the company that you kept around you. Think about what values your were honoring and how sticking to these values helped to facilitate a healthy life balance of effort and ease.