(1/5 in The Yoga Podcast Series)
Anyone who knows me, knows that I tend to overbook myself. I’m always running from here to there and back again. Podcasts are something that I often find myself listening to as I drive from one place to another or while I’m cleaning up. I feel extra productive being able to sneak in podcasts which leave me feeling more informed.
Over the next five weeks, I will share a podcast per week of the shows that I listen to the most. Each podcast offers a unique perspective and specific focus. With a variety of topics and interview styles, there will likely be one show which speaks to you the most. In between each post, my hope is that you will have time to binge-listen and get hungry for the next podcast to follow.
I’ll start with my all-time most listened to podcast:

Yogaland is produced by the former Executive Editor of the Yoga Journal, Andrea Ferretti. Having over a decade of front row exposure to the yoga scene, Andrea is well connected and respected in the community. She speaks eloquently and her interviews are always thoughtful as well as intriguing. I love the fact that she herself went through a 200 hour YTT and even tried her hand at teaching for two years, but said it just wasn’t for her.
I’m biased towards this show as Andrea’s most reoccurring guests is her husband, San Franciso based Yoga Teacher, Jason Crandell. Full disclosure: I consider Jason to be my teacher as I have found that his style of teaching resonates with me so much so that I will be completing his 500 YTT in 2019. The podcasts he appears on are especially helpful tools for yoga teachers. Two examples are ”Easy ways to improve your verbal cues.” Another episode addresses one thing that all of us Yoga teachers struggle with at one point or another: “Hands on Adjustments.“
He also has many episodes that address issues for anyone, not just teachers, wanting to advance their yoga practice.
Andrea’s other guests range from talking about nutrition and self-care to mindfulness and stories of resilience. Two of my favorites would have to be with Judith Hanson Lasater on “Trust Yourself First," and “Why Clean Beauty is essential and How to Navigate.” I’m not the most beauty conscious person and I hardly ever wear makeup, but I found this one to be very informative and eye-opening. I don’t look at shampoo the same anymore.
You can listen to the podcast directly off their website or if you prefer listening from an app on your phone, I prefer to use acast.
Enjoy the listening and let me know which episode you connect with!